Thursday, June 30, 2011


Coyote in the center
sitting where the dining room will be

House on the hill, the columns are supports for the huge deckH

blueberries, yum!

This week they poured the foundation and they are now back filling it.   We are hoping they don't back fill/smooth too much, the slope on the side of the house will make for great sledding and seems to be a favorite  place for the kids.  We finally started cutting the grass over the weekend, and by "we" I mean the guy we hired since I don't have a tractor (yet).  He saw a coyote hunting mice while he was cutting.  I have heard there are many in this area which scares me a bit.  I don't think we can fence 15 acres, but maybe fencing one or two might be needed so he doesn't eat moms dog as a snack.  Things are growing well in the garden.  The boys are eating fresh peas off the vine daily and even have had a few berries.  Yum!